Hello World!

I am Aleksandr Ometov.

Researcher in Wireless Communications Information Security Specialist

More About Me

Let me introduce myself

Profile Picture

My name is Aleksandr Ometov and I am a young and excited researcher living in Tampere, Finland. Currently, I am coordinating the Convergence of Humans and Machines Research field, and manage EU H2020 MSCA A-WEAR and APROPOS ITN projects at Tampere University.
Need more details? Drop me a line via LinkedIn!


More of my credentials

Briefly, I have experience in research related to networking, algorithms, protocols and related analysis, some software and web development, as well as management/organizational activities. Despite my current employment and research activities, I am involved in various conferences organization and handling of journals' special issues in the field of wireless communications and mobile computing. As for my biggest academic achievements, I was recognised as Young Researcher of the Year by Finnish Foundation for Technology Promotion in 2023 as well as Publisher of the Year by Industrial Research Fund at Tampere University of Technology in 2022. From the engineering side, I feel that developing, implementing, and integrating a protocol enabling secure proximity-based connectivity for intermittent cellular assistance. And, finally, being a chairman of a retro scooter club for more than 15 years is the one from my personal side.

Fast links

LinkedIn Google Scholar ResearchGate WoS (& former Publons) ORCID SCOPUS

Work Experience

Senior Research Fellow, Project and Training Manager, Research Field Coordinator

January 2023 - PR

Tampere University, Finland

Currently, I coordinate Convergence of Humans and Machines research field at Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences. Most of my individual research activities are related to applied security in the field of computational offloading and other distributed systems and networks.
Contacts: Prof. Jari Nurmi.

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Project and Training Manager

January 2019 - December 2022

Tampere University, Finland

I was responsible for managing EU H2020 EJD/ITN A-WEAR and APROPOS projects, which aimed at educating 30 PhD students in less then 4 years. Executed student- and project-oriented research activities. Received Published or The Year 2022 Award.
Contacts: Prof. Elena-Simona Lohan.

Technical Project Manager

January 2017 - December 2018

Yl-Verkot OY, Finland

My tasks included organization relations activities, project leading, and consultation in the field of my expertize.
Contacts: Dr. Alexander Pyattaev.

Research Scientist (UFO)

January 2017 - December 2018

Tampere University of Technology, Finland

Continuation of previous collaboration with TUT.
Contact: Assoc. Prof. Sergey Andreev.

Research Assistant

August 2013 - December 2016

Tampere University of Technology, Finland

The work was related to the research in modern wireless networks and information security related issues. I was utilizing such approaches as analysis (markov chains, regenerative cycles), modeling (self-developed, industrial simulators), prototyping and testing in real environment, and protocols development. I obtained experience working with conventional IEEE 802.11 protocols; some more specific ones like 802.11ah (which is currently developing for wireless sensor networks), cellular data offloading onto unlicensed bands and corresponding security challenges. Few successful field trials and integrations were done as well.
Contacts: Prof. Yevgeni Koucheryavy and Assoc. Prof. Sergey Andreev.

IS/IT specialist

September 2012 – March 2013


As a beginner in a big company, I was given a wide range of duties: technical and user support; system administration; testing and further integration a software tool for complete inventory via local network and even an introduction of the personal information processing policy. After most of the routine was systemized, I finally went more into programming, which resulted in the trading system automatization framework and its further improvements with continuous integration.

Research Assistant

September 2011 – January 2012

St.-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, Russian Federation

Main research target was to get a basic idea on how the MEMS accelerometer of Nokia N900 operates, and to develop an application to process data on board or to send it via any wireless interface to the server for further analysis. Worth to note, that main goal of this research was to determine a person by its motion mask. In the end, it was my first research experience working on wireless communications and it resulted in the first IEEE publication. The project was financed by Nokia.
Contact: Prof. Andrey Turlikov


June 2010 - September 2012

Freelance community "fre-fre"

We were a team of two very young students trying to delve deeper in software development. I was mainly focused on the front-end development and client/server application support. Everything was done mainly with .Net, msSQL and extensions. Nevertheless, documentation, technical and user guides also took its' places. Finally, this activity ended up as a foundation of the copywriters team, and my first serious management of those for a few years (inluding financial aspecsts).
Contact: Dmitriy Azarov.


Doctor of Science in Technology

Wireless Networks

August 2017 - December 2018

Tampere University of Technology

As a natural continuation of my research career and having some time in Industry, I decided to continue towards the Doctoral Degree.
Thesis topic: Social, Private, and Trusted Wearable Technology under Cloud-Aided Intermittent Wireless Connectivity.

Professional Teacher Education


May 2022 - PR

Tampere University of Applied Sciences

To become a better person, I decided that learning modern approaches to educate the youngest generations is quite an appropriate step. Thus, I was admitted to International Professional Teacher Education online programme (13 months -separate admission group) at Tampere University of Applied Sciences (TAMK).

Teacher - Researcher

Postgraduate Degree

June 2014 - June 2018

Federal State Budget-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education The Bonch-Bruevich Saint Petersburg State University of Telecommunications

Feeling my lack of proper degree related to teaching, I got enrolled in a long-term remote postgraduate studies. Unfortunatelly, there is no page in English but the main activities were focused on actual teaching, histroy of sciences, phylosophy, etc.
University website: SPbSUT.

Master Degree

(with distinction)

Communication Systems and Networks

August 2014 - September 2016

Tampere University of Technology

After receiving my first degree in Information Security and obtaining some experience working in this feel but counting on real environment, I realized that having the theoretical knowledge would be insufficient without the understanding on "how do things work in real life". And that was the main reason to come to TUT and start working on security in D2D communications.
Thesis topic: Enabling Secure Direct Connectivity Under Intermittent Cellular Network Assistance.

Specialist Degree (MSc. equivalent)

Information Security

September 2008 - June 2013

St.-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation

My thesis was focused on Secured Proximity-Based Connectivity in Combined IEEE 802.11/3GPP LTE Networks, supervised by Prof. Andrey Turlikov. During the end of my studies, I was an exchange student in Tampere University of Technology and later in 2014 applied for a full degree in Information Technology.

Major Internships/Research Visits

Visiting Researcher

October 2024 - PR

University of Antwerpen, Belgium

As a Visiting Researcher, I contribute to the developments of ID Lab with respect to information security education and well as reasearch on emotion recognition.
Contact: Prof. Maarten Weyn.

Cyber Security Engineer

September 2015 - January 2016

Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic

During this stay, I was developing an information security protocol suite to enable secure D2D communications supporting both in/out- of cellular coverage cases. Collaboration resulted in successful implementation and trialing the demo in live LTE core.
Contact: Dr. Jiří Hošek.

Networking Engineer

August 2014

Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic

Together with my colleagues we spent one month in Brno having access to the only one educational LTE core in Europe. I was responsible for the development of the android application for Galaxy S4 to enable direct UE’s WiFi-Direct connectivity orchestrated by the core plugin.


What Can I Do For You?

Scientific results

List of publicly available manuscripts

The results of my research could be found here. If you would like to go through any of the papers - do not hesitate to contact me!

Google Scholar ResearchGate ORCID

I'd appreciate hearing from you!

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Where to find me

Tietotalo, Korkeakoulunkatu 1
Tampere, 33720